Photographs from the Edge


By Art Wolfe and Rob Sheppard

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Legendary nature photographer Art Wolfe presents an intimate behind-the-scenes, chronological guide to the experiences, decisions, and methods that helped him capture images from some of the most exciting locations across the globe. Wolfe takes you from the mountains of the Himalayas to the sandy shores of Mnemba Island, with stops in the crowded streets of India and the alkali lakes of Africa along the way. You’ll learn the equipment, settings, and creative choices behind each photograph. From endangered species to cultural celebrations to natural wonders, Wolfe brings each subject to life through his stunning photography and the stories he shares in this one-of-a-kind photo safari.

“Art Wolfe has spent a career mixing his passion for artful photography and his passion for the diversity, nature wonder, and humanity of our world. With this collection we enjoy a grand tour of our world as only Art Wolfe can bring us. In a way, you could call Art the ultimate tour guide.”
– Rick Steves, travel writer and public television host

Product Details:

  • Hardcover: 288 pages
  • Publisher: Amphoto Books (2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9781607747819
  • Product Dimensions: 7-7/16 x 10 inches

Also available in German Language edition:

Bildband: Art Wolfe – Auf der Jagd nach dem perfekten Bild. Der Meisterfotograf enthüllt das Geheimnis hinter seinen Bildern. Seine besten Werke aus der Natur-, Landschafts- und Tierfotografie.


  • Gebundene Ausgabe: 288 Seiten
  • Verlag: Frederking & Thaler Verlag GmbH; Auflage: 1 (18. Mai 2020)
  • Sprache: Deutsch
  • ISBN-10: 3954163209
  • ISBN-13: 978-3954163205